Sunday, August 8, 2010

Okay, I don't know what the hey hey is going on with Google today, but whatever.  In El Paso the site probably is in the ER recovering from heat exhaustion.  OMG.  I know, quit whining Elizabeth, but not only is it hotter than Satan's kitchen, but it is forcasted to be HOTTER next week.  Egads!!

O well.  Above I have posted a link to a you tube video on slip knots, or adjustable knots for bracelets and necklaces.  Not having been a girl scout or Indian guide or ANYKIND of camper (I'm Elizabeth and I DO NOT camp), I've never learned to tie knots, so this video was a God send. I always make stuff too long or too short...hold that thought, must move laundry to dryer....I'm back, and I need to make things adjustable. Also, I was not blessed with prehensile,  piano playing hands.  I have bricklayer hands: utilitarian but not supile.  Plus, the tutor (Kate Drew-Wilkinson) has this amazingly soothing British accent that would make reading the phone book interesting and she made me just have to try at it again...

Anyway, thought this would help someone besides me...

Happy week.  Peace and love to my fellow BeadHeads

1 comment:

Lanyardlady said...

Knots. I run screaming at the thought. Great to have a tutorial. Stay cool!